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Open Canoeing

Open canoes are a great craft to introduce younger family members to paddling, as well as being beloved by solo paddlers and white water enthusiasts alike

The open (or canadian) canoe is an all round, versatile craft, open on top, propelled by one or more seated or kneeling paddlers facing the direction of travel and using a single-bladed paddle.


Open canoes can be used on placid, moving, white and open water. The canoe is an ideal craft for new paddlers, regardless of age, experience or ability. Families, young people and paddlers with a disability are especially welcome to try canoeing, as well as solo paddlers. If you prefer a more gentle pace so that you can look around at the scenery and wildlife, an open canoe could be for you.

Canoeing with UHCC


Anyone can come along and give canoeing a go at our Sunday Bark Store sessions. Our fleet of open canoes are available to try out and we run dedicated open boat coaching sessions.


We also run lake sessions in summer, where you can learn rescue techniques specific to canoes, as well as other flat water skills.


Once you are confident controlling an open canoe in this sheltered water environment you can progress to try touring on one of our flat water trips,  polling, sailing or even white water canoeing! Get in touch with our Open Canoeing Rep or any member of the committee to find out more.


UHCC owns a canoe and kayak trailer that can be used to help members transport boats, especially longer craft such as open canoes and sea kayaks. Contact a member of the committee to find out more.

Organise a trip


Is there a river, canal, loch or lake that you are keen to explore by canoe? Why not organise a trip with fellow paddlers?


In the past, UHCC members have enjoyed canoe camping trips in Scotland as well as day trips more locally.


For advice and recommendations about organising a trip, contact the club secretary or open canoeing rep.

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