Committee Members
The Upper Hamble Canoe Club is run by a team of dedicated volunteers. They manage the day to day running of the club and the long term direction the club takes. All roles are open for new volunteers either at the AGM or throughout the year. You can find out what the roles involve here.
Elected Management Committee Trustees

Joseph Lo
Vice Chair
Luke Shute
Lyn Jack
Martin Mitchell
Elected Committee Members

Membership Secretary
John Doyle
Health and Safety Officer
Martin Mitchell
Programme Coordinator
Lyn Jack
Safeguarding/Welfare Officer
Kirsten Killander

Coach Training Officer
Joseph Lo
Inland Kayaking Rep
Joseph Lo, Lyn Jack & Peter Stewart
Sea Kayaking Rep
Peter Stewart
Open Canoeing Rep
Paul Bennett

Pool Session Coordinator
Trish Harrison
Equipment/Facilities Officer
Sonia Harrison
Jude Williams
Access Officer &
Environmental Officer
Kevan Thomas

Social Secretary
Kirsten Killander
Youth Rep & Social Media Manager
Ben Mitchell
Roles not currently filled:
Members Rep
Volunteer Coordinator
Committee Roles
All roles are open for new volunteers either at the AGM or throughout the year. The various committee and volunteer roles are described below. Feel free to ask any committee member if you want more information about a role.
Chairman & Vice Chair
The Chair and Vice Chair form half of the trustees of the club. They chair the committee meetings, AGM and assist the club in staying true to the constitution that the members have signed up to and ensure we operate within the framework provided by the BCU. Theyre trustees for the club house lease and act as ambassadors for the club in the community. They act as examples to the club members and coaches in personal conduct and ensure the club is operating efficiently. They are also involved with any disciplinary matters within the club, but thankfully these are few and far between!
The secretary acts as the first point of contact for the club when potential members and existing members need information, helping organise taster sessions and handling enquiries from external bodies. The secretary is one of the four trustees of the club and so shares responsibility for the clubhouse lease. Much of the role is administrative ensuring that agendas are published in time for the AGM and committee meetings and that club affiliations are up to date.
The Treasurer of the club is responsible for producing and managing the club accounts and finances. This includes being responsible for all income and expenditure for the club, agreeing budgets that the club should operate within and maintaining club financial records. The treasurer role is one of the four trustees of the club, and so responsible for the clubhouse lease and the legal position of the club.
Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary works with the Treasurer to ensure all memberships are accurate and paid on time. They maintain a record of club members, next of kin information, coach information, sending welcome packs to new members, membership cards and they maintain the club email distribution lists.
Equipment/Facilities Officer
The equipment officer looks after all of the club equipment and facilities. This includes an annual kit inspections, damage inspections where equipment is reported, replacement of damaged and worn kit within the equipment budget, procurement of new equipment and coordination and general upkeep of the clubhouse.
Safeguarding Officer
The Safeguarding Officer is a vital role within the club and the role should be help by someone who can act as a source of advice and be responsible for the implementation of good practice and child protection policies within the club. They ensure all possible child protection concerns are dealt with following the BCU Child Protection Guidelines. They should promote awareness of Club and BCU Codes of Conduct and Paddlesafe documents within the membership. They are also responsible for ensuring that club coaches have valid CRB checks.
Health & Safety Officer
The Health and Safety officer will advise the club on the requirements, policies and procedures for all aspects of health and safety. They will perform risk assessments for locations where the club operates and act as the first point of contact for club members with concerns over all health and safety matters. They will promote good H&S practices within the club and make members aware of club policies in this area. The role includes logging all accidents and near misses in accordance with Club and BCU policy and maintaining any club first-aid kits.
The webmaster will maintain the club website and advise the club committee on IT related tasks. They will maintain the website to be a useful resource to both existing and future club members.
Programme Coordinator
The Programme Coordinator is responsible for ensuring all club activities are presented on the club calendar and that the club provides a balanced mix of events that meet member needs.
Coach Training Officer
The Coaching Officer oversees and coordinates a programme of coaching activities within the club. They provide support to club coaches, promote high quality coaching and actively encourage and support the clubs coaching team in their continued coach education and development. They represent the coaching needs of the club in financial matters aiming to provide financial and practical support for coaches to advance their coaching skills, knowledge and qualifications in order to meet the needs and aspirations of the club. They will foster communication between coaches and where needed liaise with the Canoe England Coaching Team via the Local Coaching Officer.
Inland Kayaking / Sea Kayak / Open Canoe Reps.
The main role for the Inland Kayaking, Sea Kayaking and Open Canoeing Reps is to represent club members interest in the relevant discipline. They will organise (or have organised) a program of events and away trips for members. Where leaders and coaches are needed they will coordinate and advise.
Special Projects Officer
The main role of the Special Projects Officer is to deal with matters arising that fall outside of the remit of other committee members or require an overseeing person to act as project coordinator. Their job does not involve performing all of the tasks of a project, rather coordinating the activities of other club members to reach a common goal.
Access Officer
The Access Officer is the clubs main point of contact on all issues around access. They will provide information to the committee, club coaches, trip organises and members on any access issues and seek answer to member questions that arise.
Environment Officer
The Environmental Officer is the clubs first point of contact for environmental matters. They gather and share any environmental information and concerns from local areas or areas the club is visiting. They may need to liaise with the local council, harbour masters, British waterways and the BCU.
The club has a modest library built up over a number of years. The librarian manages this collection and has a small budget to spend on new material each year.
Pool Session Coordinator
The club runs a set of pool sessions throughout the year for members, the Pool Session Coordinator books the sessions with the local pool and administers the places at the sessions.
Members Rep
The Membership Rep is a non-committee member in place to represent the interests of club members and act as a confidential representative for members who feel that they are unable to or feel awkward about approaching any of the committee or coaches about a concern.
Minute/note taker
The Minute Taker acts as a confidential minute and note taker for the club committee at committee meetings and the AGM.
Social Secretary
The Social Secretary organises social events to bring club members together in non-paddle settings, critically pub night!
Volunteer coordinator
The Volunteer Coordinator ensures that all of the volunteers in the club are appreciated in what they do, have clear guidelines to act within and ensures volunteers are clear in their roles and responsibilities. They are the main point of contact for volunteers with any concerns about schedules etc. and should encourage new volunteers into the club.
Youth Rep
The Youth Rep is charged with ensuring that young people are represented within the club.